Friday, September 21, 2012

Tom and Jerry Birthday........Chet (and Elle's)

I know this is a little late, but, I am kind of scatterbrained!  I have birthdays on the brain right now because I am planning my older daughters birthday and I remembered that I wanted to post this one awhile ago.

So this summer Elle had several birthdays and this is one that she shared with her cousin Chet.  They both love Tom and Jerry and Chet was having a Tom and Jerry Birthday so we joined in on the fun since we were there visiting for the summer. The kids are only 18 days apart so that was close enough to share and Elle likes to party for months. Ha ha!  On a sweet little note.  My grandpa who passed away last August loved Tom and Jerry, he would have loved to have been at the party.  I remember him watching the show and laughing hysterically. For that I am so glad it was a Tom and Jerry party.

So Reanne and I put together another party.   We had (pretend) mice in mouse traps hanging over the food table.  We also had cut out mouse holes around the house.

The cake was pretty fun and with lots of team effort I think it turned out great!

Cake that looked like a piece of cheese!

 Sweet and Savory popcorn Bar with chocolate covered pretzels

Goodie Bags

Elle opening presents in her Tom and Jerry Shirt

Chetter opening his presents in his Tom and Jerry Shirt 

 Happy Birthday Buddy! Thanks for letting us share in your special day.

Love, Auntie Amber

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful Tom and Jerry Birthday bash! The bash truly seems cozy and welcoming. Our son’s birthday is also coming in a week and I want to host such an entertaining bash at prettiest outdoor LA venue. I would gather décor ideas from pinterest.
